
By now you probably know that as part of your studies here in the University, you have to make an ePortfolio. You may be wondering what exactly is an ePortfolio is. It can benefit you as a student now, and in your professional career, after school. In the most basic sense, creating an ePortfolio is like building your own website. This process teaches you how to present yourself online, in a professional way.

The main purpose of an ePortfolio is to enhance your learning at SON. ePortfolios are a place where you can keep track of what you’ve learned and why you’ve learned it. Google Sites is our selected ePortfolio tool.


Organization: Place all of your files, images, and documents that you will share on this website into a dedicated folder in your Google Drive. An example: "Portfolio" folder holds, the Google Site, and Images folder, and "Documents" folder.

Access: Be sure that your file folder settings in Google Drive is changed from "Private" to "Anyone with the Link". This will allow your intended audience to view your images, and documents easily.

Copyright Infringement: Do not ever, EVER, grab images from another website or a search to use on your website, without  express written permission OR confirmation that the image is available for reuse. It is preferable to use your own images or those provided in the Google Sites tool. Breaking this best practice could easily mean legal action against you, if you are caught using another person's intellectual property without permission.

Security: Never share your personal contact information on the website that will be shared publicly. Means that your website, resume, and documents should not have your home address, phone number, or personal email address.

Readability: Break up dense areas of text with images, or interactive content. This allows users to efficiently read and take in the information in the text. You want users to be able to read your content and absorb it easily. Readability is one of the more important aspects of Web design usability. Readable text affects how users process the information in the content. Poor readability scares readers away from the content.

  1. START HERE: Google Sites Support Documentation
  2. View some of the Advanced Multimedia Options in Google Sites

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