Course Introduction Video

Many things change when instruction and communication are moved from the traditional face-­to-­face (f2f) class setting into a fully online or hybrid setting. Some educators may find it difficult to offer a comparable online classroom experience that's found  in f2f classes. It can be difficult to establish an instructional relationship with students. Online learning is generally more solitary, and students may report that they feel disconnected from the class when they take a course online. Because of the reduced "human contact" element of teaching in an online instructional environment, some skeptics discount the possibility that fully online or hybrid learning can be as effective as the traditional method of information delivery.

Course introduction videos go a long way to make personal connections for students, work to mitigate the solitary feel of online and hybrid courses, and inject your presence into the course content and communications. Here are suggested basic elements of this type of video:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Introduce the course/coursework
  • Set Expectations for: communications, submissions, and deadlines
  • Tour the online interface
  • What are the Students' Next Steps
Download an editable outline to get started

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